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To determine the cost of calculation, advisory, or technical assistance, the project implementing unit should prioritize its service characteristics whether it is based on Time-Based or non-output based on Output Based. Are the service requirements as domestic advisers or international consultants? Below is a summary of the base for calculating the price.

No. Cost Type Rate Notice
1 Local Consultant Services (Time Based) 1,000,000-8,000,000Riel/People/Month Calculation depend on the number of months that for the consultant for the budget year
2 Local Consultant Services (Output Based) 400,000-600,000Riel/Day Calculation depend on the number of days the job is completed as a consolidated package


International Consultant Services (Time Based)
Per-diem (DSA)
Wages (Fees)
Transportation (air tickets, taxi, visas and other travel costs)
280,000-560,000Riel/Day 2,000,000-4,800,000Riel/Day Depending on the regional travel rates -For per-diem and travel in the region (including weekends and other holidays) -This rate varies according to the skill level and the scarcity of services (Working Day Only-Working Days) -Think of the number of times the advisor has to travel to work
International Consultant Services (Output Based) DSA wages and the above fees and travel fees are also the basis for the calculation of the price. The difference is the price as a package, and the payment is based on the result, not the duration of the job. As in point 3 above The budget planner has to consider the work (Assignment) How long does it take for the entire job?
Note: Although this rate is the basis for calculating the value, the actual rate is based on contractual contracts, contracts, experience, consultants, rates of job profiles, and final inspection of the procurement control committee, which also include salary or salary taxes for services.


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